My opinion on good fruits for pvp (im ready for the comments to roast me and correct me bring it on)
What do y'all think (No, Triple Darkblade is not the best sword in the game, not even close)
Perm portal someone?
What’s the strongest possible build bloxfruits
Any offers?
I'm hosting a hide and seek tomorrow
PvP With Kitsune
Dragon is braindead, can't even escape or go against its attacks
Should I keep masterpiece or roll my 10 rare scrolls on my ttk?
Which is better overall?(I GO FOR SANGUINE ARTS).
Trading leopard
Which one would you go for?
Getting robux in two weeks can buy something else than perm yeti or perm leo
Is blox fruits dying?
Scammer alert dont trade with him
Is it even possible to get pirate king title?
Trading Perm T-Rex
W or L?
lemme know if i need to change this (Dont say like "u are stooopid that u put ___ in_____")
What do I do with all this money? (I have godhuman and ttk so can’t use it on those)
My PvP tierlist
Guys in your opinion what is the best support sword?
Who can help me get v4 dm me
What perm fruit should I buy