derek won! who is a *universally beloved antagonist*?
The Regal app is literally bribing me to go see Snow White
First Line that comes to mind
Fits here ig.
Which films are you most excited for?
What's your favorite war movie?
What Are Some Movies That Are Hated On That You Unironically Love?
I know 'The Predator' (2018) is a bad movie but I still enjoy it.
Did any Terminator film past Judgment Day have memorable moments for you?
I thought it couldn't get worse
Oh hi Tommy!
Major Garland Briggs is my favorite character, who's yours?
Horrors That Make You Cry
Rate my top five.
The most compelling evidence Childs was infected...go!
Hardest song options for each instrument
what movie emotionally tore you apart?
What movie made you realize you’re a millennial lobotomite f*ggot slop slave?
zhen won! who is a *universally despised side character*?
Hateful actors whose acting is equally bad as their politics? I’ll start.
A movie where the villain is cooler than the hero?
Ultimately a minor thing I know, but already seeing as usual these remakes don’t understand the originals
So, About "Just You and I"...
Bob’s best harmonica playing? For me it’s Just Like a Woman (and Blonde on Blonde at large).