Who is this? (Wrong Answers Only)
Pre-Dark age fans, how did you feel about Unleashed?
Up Your Arsenal was voted as the Most Charming game, but what would you say has the Best Music game in the Ratchet and Clank series
What would this be called in Pikmin?
Which one of these characters would you like to see return?
Archibald Asparagus is Disgust! Now which character represents Ennui? In case you’re wondering, ennui means boredom.
Sorry folks, this isn't over yet, anyone want to add The Ballad Of Little Joe in the worst idle with the photo of Jimmy And Jerry screaming?
The Peach is Embarrassment! Now which character represents Disgust?
Being mean is a death sentence in BFDI.
Madame Blueberry is the saddest or most beautiful episode! Now which episode is the weirdest?
Why Is Everyone Hate Pin So Much?
Who Is This Character (Wrong Answers Only)
Rhythm Tengoku cast!
Ok, someone has to reach Jacknjellify about this.
Who had the worst treatment?
Is Sonic Heroes overhated?
Let's be real, out of these characters; who'd run the better podcast?
Why isn't anyone talking about the fact Book is the only one remaining from team BLEH?
Who is the best sonic character that is only in one sonic game?
What's your favorite version of It Doesn't Matter?
What's your thoughts on people shipping emotions?
Name the last game you played, but slap "& Knuckles" at the end
Peggle 2 ps4 rom