Reddit hates him
Very unique loot on the ground..
Current Pvp is complete trash
A very rare drop from this boss
Nihil Horn 336m 20,334 KC NEX TRIO FFA
Torva Platebody 370m 21,008 KC Nex Trio FFA
20 sets of Torva real soon?
Project Zanaris - FAQ Megathread
The way to increase PvP engagement is to make it more approachable, not shoehorn more PvM into it.
Can people stop making these posts about PVP? You've missed out! touch luck! move on!!! at the higher end of pvp noobs don't fight noobs. if you want to fight go to a safe zone like castle wars!!!!!!
Loot from 69.7m strength exp at Vardorvis
New Approach to God Alignments
[Tonalztics of Ralos rework] Make it a burn dps spec
Mod Ash on Dungeoneering
Loot from 20,000 NEX FFA Trios
Phoani's has such potential to be a PVM hotspot, please don't let this be the final changes to it.
😈 Mix ⅠⅠ 🢡 Metalcore/Rock/Heavy Metal - (Old & New)
😈 Mix Ⅰ 🢡 Dark Industrial/Melodic/Uplifting - Vastly Electronic 🢡 Dark Industrial/Melodic/Uplifting
New Voidwaker animation
pking/pvp/lms clips
You can literally MAX a brand new account in the time it takes to complete PNM
PnM is perfectly balanced