Jenn is the only Gen Z lead in The Bachelor or Bachelorette so far (born in 1997 or later). However, she identifies as a millennial.
Do you have more than one journal?
I can’t stop picking my skin…
How on earth is Alo still in business? Paying all these influencers definitely is not an ideal strategy. Do they make a lot from actual clothing sales?
Little sketches
Trying to curb impulsive shopping
Curbing my shopping addiction by using my hyper fixation
Doodling showcasing my favourite brushes
What is a lip product that actually adds moisture to the lips and doesn’t just sit on top to keep the moisture from escaping?
Is bad dental health common with adhd
Husband just told me my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a "self-fulfilling prophecy"
Have you ever thrown out your whole journal collection? If so, why?
PLEASE HELP! What’s missing in my blue room?
Tate McRae Vanity Fair
trying to find title and/or artist!
This is scaring me
Does my collarbone look off??
A book that completely wrecked you!!? But in the best way.
Tiramisu cheesecake?
Any idea what this little shelf-thing is for? Previous owner did a lot of self-renovating and I just can’t figure out a use for it. My kid started walking and don’t want them to knock their head on it, so I want to take it out.
Is Wearing Gold Jewelry Considered Tacky in Canada? Need Honest Opinions
What is your high protein breakfast?
Please no
What everyone’s sour dough starters names?
What is some slang words or phrases that is uniquely Canadian?