What type of TV show is she so famous for?
Califullerfit desperation is INSANE
Leva/Lamar’s new place “Zachary Daiquiris” cancelled on the first day
Can we please stop it with the Danielle hate?
Friend says that my hygiene routine is too much and that I should tell my therapist
anna who??
The way she talks AT people… like why is she like this?!
Brooke lol
Danielle’s closet
Thoughts on the show living in Charleston
Does Brooke have repeat sponsorships?
She read the show overview and is trying to pretend Ben wasn’t a POS last night lol
Tickets for tonight lol
season 3 premieres january 9
Who is she trying to convince?
Honestly If it wasn’t for GOTG, they wouldn’t be friends anymore.
Who is this
Anyone else see the body checking🙄 shes gotta stop doing that
… ok
If this isn’t the most basic outfit ever…
Cali fuller fit with a new bf in less than a month (again)
cookie DESTROYING the couch haters with FACTS and LOGIC