Do people who gossip make you uncomfortable?
My mom got jealous that creepy men were going for me in Walmart
I get told this a lot, do you relate?
Are there any ways to make Pumpkin Kitty (or any rough BAB) fur softer?
What behavior do most people accept that you find creepy?
Anyone know where I might find a large Tia Tiger?
No Stupid Questions Monthly Thread!
Sky Dragon.
What’s the stupidest ADHD moment you had in the last day or 2? I’ll go first…
Do you feel younger or older?
Regular bashful bunny vs luxe?
Thoughts on the spots?
What do autistic people find funny that neurotypicals don’t?
Does anyone else hate brushing their teeth?
What’s y’all’s weirdest comfort food?
How and what do you feel when looking people in their eyes?
Help naming my new bunny!
Self checkouts are getting removed. Opinions?
Does anyone else treat their plushies like their real?
So I have a small notebook but wanna cram as much writing space as possible in there. Any tips?
Was called a s*** while crossing the street
What the hell do you do with your arms when you’re standing?
My stepmother says 'people aren't born with autism'
Is this a new policy, or was it just the employees?
Anyone else stop to look at birds and other animals and say "hi" and wave to them when on walks?