Tomorrow (15.3): Together for Europe March! 🇪🇺
Can we please please PLEASE finally remove Redeemed Souls as currency for Sanctum upgrades for the Shadowlands covenants?
I feel like most Expansions lack 'mysterious landmarks', not dissimilar to a lack of 'chekhov's guns'
Are you happy with Undermine's depiction in 11.1?
How close are we to a skynet like AI?
Questions for my first time @ Symbiotikka
BVG how is this acceptable or possible at 8:30 in the morning?
How do you deal with long bathroom lines in Kitkat?
Kitkat night
I really wish the stakes in Warcraft's story weren't totally undermined by one expansion.
Chinese startup says it’s built ‘world’s first’ fully autonomous AI
Are We Holding AI to a Higher Standard of Consciousness? A Philosophical Challenge
For all the fellow degenerates
Müllhalde Hauptbahnhof/Spree
Rant and Venting Megathread
Berlin ghost roadworks
I have been watching Krank Berlin and am curious how accurate it is to ER Work in Berlin for any Nurses/Doctors in this subreddit?
Berlin: Strengere Regeln für Gymnasium – kaum Schüler bestehen Probeunterricht
Berlin population hits the 3.9 million
11.1.5 Content Update Info!
After watching Episode 7, who do you think killed Cal?
Zahn ausgeschlagen und Arm gebrochen : Brutaler Überfall auf Jugendclub in Friedrichshain
Happy 31st Anniversary, dear Kitkat Club 🩷
Paradise theory: nuclear war was the feature not the bug