22M, wear socks with sandals unironically, and constantly mistaken for a lost child at Walmart. Do your worst.
My family wants me roasted. 37f mom of 4. Each family member added a pic.
Sunday Swaps: Destash Listings
No more heinz sweet gherkins....;-; (Anyone know something similar?)
if you’ve been looking for the most perfect red bean …
I’m so sad
Unhinged “collection” of a recovering shopaholic
I never thought I’d be in a position where I throw away all my other palettes, but this one completes me. Who needs basic browns when you can have ‘Existential Despair’?!?
Is there an audience for femdom/female-led romance, or is it too niche?
Gran was spring cleaning and found this and gave it to me!
I bought Lancôme Idole and I hate it.
I'm finally able to display my 90s Kitty Kitty Kitten collection but they look absolutely horrified to be existing in 2025
Picsof my veggies ! Also how old do.you think this asparagus is ? When does it fruit ?
What nationality am I?
(small) Astrid Sale
A photo of the world's first fully titanium heart that was successfully transplanted into a human patient.
Are snails really that bad??
Malkavian idea
Pigeon or Duck?
Why is this bee so big
Anyone Here Have a Huge Fear of Wasps & Hornets?
Extremely disappointed by the lack of relevance from past games
Realtors must be stopped.
These are so pretty, what are they?