Love this scene but do you think this statement is BS? Do you think he could have won against that?
Who would win the war between Erebonia and Calvard nowadays?
Kai no Kiseki question: what's your favorite route and moment?
Arianhood wins as most badass character next is best arc in the series
From my understanding of the lore so far…
BESTIES???? (kai spoiler)
Most anticipated duel by 瓶詰西瓜
Who going to defeat this in kai 2
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 249 Pre-Release Leaks Thread
He better show up in Kai No Kiseki
Who are you expecting to return in Kuro 3?
Intermission Spoiler. Randy is moving up in the world
Hogwart Legacy crack is out, how can I change language ?
EMPRESS said that Hogwarts Legacy Beta 1 crack test will start soon
Haunter Trade
The pirates graveyard
llevo 4 años practicando meditación, hagan sus preguntas?
How long does it take to get the test results?
Kuro Popularity Poll announcement+new info scheduled for July 1st and 2nd.
All right, everything looks to be in order
Happy 18th anniversary to the best game series ever!
Where can I read the Falcom Gakuen?
New Promotional Image for Kuro 2 (Heavily Hinted Returning Character)
Bond between father and daughter
Can i copy your homework?