Show me all your hundo megas!
Tapu Koko sunny red gym - 475829619135
Questions & Answers - Weekly Megathread! Please use this post to ask any Pokemon GO question you'd like!
offering giveaway looking for winners! Description!
Here are two hundo flabébés i caught today. I do not like this pokemon, but its second evolution is good in master league PvP. I will not use them. Feel free to express your opinion
Why did this happen to me? I feel like this has to be some weird bug - chances are too low to be real
Pokémon GO: Moving to a New Home with Scopely
Closest i ever got to a shlundo yet, 2019 player
Looking for Eevee with Hong Kong BG (normal or shiny) + lunala line - Offering pictures below
giving away 3 Gmax Charizards for rural players details in description
WB Articuno - 475829619135
Rainy WB zapdos - 475829619135
WB Zapdos - 2 local - adding up to 10 - yellow gym - 475829619135
my Hoenn lucky trio is finally complete
Hit my 100th shiny this weekend!
LOOKING FOR FUN OFFERING GIVEAWAY: 2023 Christmas Holiday Costume Shiny Pack - Pikachu, Cubchoo, Delibird, Eevee and More Level 40 Account. In-game Name and Recovery eMail Changeable.
Looking for Shiny Kyurem w Glaciate. Offering Shiny Kyurem w Glaciate
Weather boosted Yveltal - yellow gym - windy - 475829619135
If I fuse a Kyurem that does NOT know Glaciate with a Zekrom that knows Fusion Bolt will I be able to get Fusion Bolt as a charged attack?
LF: Shiny, white or city Background, Weather boosted CP Kyurem with Glaciate - Offering below+lucky trinket
Anti-brag tbh but these 3 in a row were very welcome after 45 kyurems without a shiny or more than 91%IV
White Kyurem - yellow gym - will add up to 10 - 475829619135
Looking for: BG Zekrom, BG Kyurem, BG Reshiram (shiny not needed) and 2019 random registered to guarantee lucky - Offering: 2019 guaranteed lucky randoms and pictures below
im looking for and offering in my pics.
Looking for armored mewtwo//Offering white bg kyurem (can fly)