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What do y'all think about the new signs in Beacon Hill park?
What’s an adult confession you’d never tell your family?
Bay Closing
Johnson Street death this morning
Gentle PSA Friendly People
TIL Golden Krust CEO Lowell Hawthorne took his own life on December 2, 2017 a year after appearing in Undercover Boss
I found this on the floor in front of my laundry room where my cat litter box is. It's on the floor and my sandals. I'm scared what you all will tell me but what is this?
What are these? Found on the Island of Gozo on a new construction site. Appeared once soil was cleared.
What’s open at the museum now?
A rock my mum found at the beach- it’s got a perfect circle tunneled through
Ideas for a Victoria-themed tattoo?
What do you call the middle thing in a DVD case where you have to push it to get the disc out?
Trumps executive order specifically refers to BC when talking about the increase in Fentanyl production and distribution from their Northern border.
Uvic garbage disposal
Anyone know what this is, or what it says? I found it at the bottom of a lake.
Timbit Trump wrote a letter to Carney from 2024
If you misrepresent yourself as a Liberal Voter in the Leadership race, you can & will be fined $10,000.
Does the metal band look better or the canvas band?
Reactive Dog Shopping even at Blanshard Burnside
I need this done to a couple pairs please
Ufo at dusk
Best steps to support a new ‘camper’ in our neighbourhood in finding a more suitable location.
Parking enforcement question
Why just two hours of exercise a week can be life-changing