this guy makes Bethenny Frankel “recaps” since she posts 100 times a day and it’s cracking me up
Halley we get it you’re never having a wedding
I feel like this is a weird Tiktok to make with your kid
Poppi is disgusting
jaz wedding overconsumption
Who’s doing these extensions?
Anna tiktok
I wish she would stop calling her young
always body checking. also can’t believe this is how she looks now
Why are both subs only??? I’m so sad I can’t get an ep😭 is this the new norm? i’m surprised i havent seen them say anything.
Required listening
Hannah Berner’s apology.
Giggly squad subreddit is so bad
Emma leger ????
Why are they so codependent? Why did Asa go with her to the hair salon?
Bran being rude to employees of Philly Businesses
So how long until she quits?
She looks soooooo different wtf… I can’t even figure out what exactly it is but feel like the new eyebrows have completely changed her face
No no and no
it’s the crocodile tears for me 🫠
Looking for nontoxic wellness influencers (specifically youtubers)
Purely Parsons is… words can’t describe right now
Best brows???