The best couple friends a guy could ask for..
Is he serious
Name a better EDC pistol and why...
Off-Body Carry
Need a Glock for these guys, but can decide which one…
Buying ammo
Stay safe tonight and tomorrow family 🙏
Ian: I want to rediscover myself
I am so sad
Good luck on your new venture! We'll all definitely miss you in the dark corner desk.
O-LIV <3333
Just some of the top comments on dear Olivia’s recent tweet promoting her new makeup video :(
“Say my Name” guy on Twitter being a POS
Screen flickering when playing video or gaming
Monitor slightly flickering when playing video or gaming
Cool idea for Ethans watch collection to get him in a better mood
Am I panic buying, or is this reasonable?
Obsessed with Martin’s reads on his IG story “I won’t burn I am fully hydrated”
the quartering chimes in
Super disappointed in the new Noah Samsen Video.
"oh I hope his kids get taken away from him" lol.
Sig Sauer statement about the p320
Glock 43x mos vs Glock 17 gen 5