Lil darkie haters are all the same and annoying.
This guy calls you a cuckold, how do you respond
my posters look way cooler on acid
Temples in India slowly replacing elephants with robotic elephants to continue and preserve tradition cruelty free.
Found in a field near a church in Italy
Smoking and stroking
Prime Minister Keir Starmer wishes Wales a happy St David’s day 🏴
Literal Kratos of Half Sword?
This picture I took on my 3ds
Embrace the Muliti-Dimensional Dominion
Wtf is this?
Wondering somethign about an AI persident?
Do you want to help Psychedelic Research?
Bro Ain’t no way my neighbor called the cops on me for blasting trippie 🤦 Sick of this neighborhood 💀
Welcome to London
Half life reference in drug server?!?!?!?!111
What's your favorite lyrics form good old Lil darkie?
They where not joking about boof
Do i try it?
this might be unfair
Was walking in woods behind park when I noticed a man was standing behind a tree watching me
Buddy got this at work for "hitting all target goals"...
How much speed do I take
is this real
Goodnight 😭
Community Servers are peak of Tf2