Please tell me not to contact my parents to tell them how much I hate their guts.
How do you let your anger out without letting it take over, and in a way that feels true to you?
Small win today
Dating feels impossible because politics is so invasive
Tips for keeping calm with children
This really helps explain how my NMom is pathologically insecure, yet inexplicably entitled
Will I ever get an apology? & any helpful books I can buy for self help?
(for those with covert narc parents) does the extended family know the truth? Or are they genuinely oblivious?
I'm so freaking pissed
Is my mom a narcisist? Is she manipulative? I'm really conflicted (18MtF)
Have you ever witnessed Golden Child turning into a scapegoat?
My father tries different phrases patiently to see what hurts me the most and next time he visits or calls me uses it against me. I must be stupid not to notice it until yesterday.
is my mum a nm?
I feel like I am in a holding pattern with two narcissists in my life.
Bitch posted this on her FB
A simple visual to detect abusive patterns from your suspected narc
PMDD Girlies!
No emergency contacts after no contact
Anyone else have a narc that will not ever just be alone with their thoughts?
Please help - I’m genuinely scared I’m never going to feel happy again
I can’t keep doing this.
What's worse: anxiety or depression?
Even nature tried to smite her twice.
Partner drives me insane and then blames me. Tw: domestic abuse