Is this how it repigments
What’s an activity you do that gets you in that zone
Libra boyfriend of 6 months ghosted me today and blocked me after delivering the news of me having cancer. Anyone had any experience with libras? What the hell did I do?
I'm wondering how you all deal with death
When did you first develop vitiligo?
How to treat uneven skin tone after re-pigmentation
How to get rid of ashy skin?
Laundry help
anyone need a spiritual talk?
If you randomly think of a friend you haven’t talked to in a few years, send that message.
why the competition ?
I think I messed up big time?
At what age did you find your 1st gray hair?
Scar Treatment Suggestions
What’s your motivation/reason to use UVB for vitiligo despite the side effects?
Moisturizer breaks me out
Can I be football player with vitiligo?
The first picture is my brother current Vittligo. Is the dots on his skin signs that his pigmentation is growing back?
Can we get grocery delivery at an on site hotel?
I got form 8995? I don't know why
How Do You See God
Feminine and masculine energy
What is your favourite laundry detergent?
Y’all Actually Tried It
Thunder Falls