What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you see my work?
what is the first thing you see in my painting
If You Had To Give This A Name-What Would You Call This?
Help im willing to pay
I don't feel well
What is your first thought when you see this drawing?
If you think you know how to deal with a heartbreak, please share your wisdom 🙏
If you’ve done deep healing work, what has been the greatest blessing in your life? What is something you never expected would change, but did?
What are the connections you’ve experienced to your other lifetimes?
How many have awakened?
What is it called when you are able to meditate in every moment of the day?
Did i experience ego death?
How do you tell the world you went through awakening ?
Y'all, if you want guidance in spirituality, stop going to chatGPT.
Feeling Stuck on Your Spiritual Path?
What was the catalyst that helped you shift from victim to empowered conscious creator?
Is masturbation counter to enlightenment?
I took one for humanity and made it out the other side!
Which realization helped you transcend suffering?
Is it just me or
What’s an activity you do that gets you in that zone
What are some characteristics of G-d you’ve realized?