This Calendar is insane
New game
Anyone else disagree with the criticism that the game is too long?
And that's the puzzle!
Rule 1 of Forumla One
What was the worst thing Bernadette ever did?
Most crashes I've had in a race
I don't like the way the characters treated Howard after he returned from space
Do you think he’ll die in the third game or will he settle down for good on Tanalorr?
Why do people who hate the big bang theory not also hate other shows for the same reasons?
I don’t think Dead Space 3 is all that bad
Which episodes or scenes of the show do you sometimes skip?
New Jersey
why do most people dislike Ted Mosby?
I like Dead Space 3
Which of these two bosses has the harder battle?
Thoughts on the latest update
Missing features that won't be ever released
I just realised that Penny’s mom is…
Did the cast hate the ending?
Should I replace it with a new engine and gearbox or can I continue for sometime?
First time playing, wish me luck
Things about this game that grind my gears!
Why are contacts (constantly) rejected even though all the terms are agreed to?