A whole line
How old were u when u were diagnosed with tourettes?
I will burn this place down.
Happy birthday to Raf!! Show me your favorite pictures you took of him with long hair ;)
omg guys i met Caleb!
Loaf Line
If the 4 other LIs made cake and custom messege for Rafayel...
appreciation post for the one and only
Don’t be afraid Rafa…
Rafayel’s Birthday Official Offline Event. All the wishes to him will be shown on screen
Advice: Take the walk it might be a long term win.
Fresh Black Beans
Drop in
Leaving this here….
It is with a great weight, and a heavy purring, that I must announce that I have a sleeping cat in my lap. He's very soft. And cute. His name is Basil.
Which LI does your real-life partner resembles the most and who is your main?
My favorite musicals. Judge away...
What themes did you suggest ?
Edgar Allen Toes
What I do? Why u looking at me like that? 😳
Chip, you're a cat. You're not supposed to be this awake at...oh. Wait. Yes, yes you are. I'm the one who's supposed to still be asleep. You're lucky you're cute, Chip!
Apparently someone stole her milk
Someone doesn’t want us to leave
Who's in their 30s or over?