Transfer data help?
Why did I get 50 victims without killing anyone
How should I start?
DMG resist bypass in PvE
What Song Will Yall Defend Like This (PTV)
Which PTV songs should I learn before seeing them live
What cookie pisses you off for no reason?
I don’t care if you’re contagious
What's a song lyrics thats not necessarily poetic that just hits different?
What's everyone's favorite less popular song?
who is your most powerful cookie right now? i'll go first
General Questions & Tech Support Megathread | August 04, 2023
TFW you're waiting for new costumes
Gender ratio of fans?
My Veil? Pierced.
My Cave? Towned
PV can do damage?
are we almost through with the twinky boys? can we start voting for some daddies pls?!
Are there any active guilds still?
I was wondering if there were any more active guilds I could join. I battled the Dragon & Abyss on my own, and usually on Abyss I get to level 9.
What do y’all think?
Tiktok screen timeout?
Can’t give the signed Banana.
if you could take something from the OMORI's beta/concept arts and put it in the current Game, what would it be?