I miss it so much
“Y’all blame Oda for everything when Sanji is doing it” Mf Oda wrote the character this way?? 😭😭😭
Fellow Widow players - what skin is your favourite~?
don't forget the mandatory "Thank your healers" and "I'm tired of using tank" rants every 3 posts or so
The end of red thread
What happened to Bunchi?
Hunter x Deep One fish girl. Despite the unending horrors, love wins.
Nothing to see here just cuckji sexually harassing women …..
This moment's aura is more than whatever zoro did afterwards (except the kuma scene) cause it actually makes him go on a rampage
Would you find it boring if shanks’ crew is just haki users?
saw one meme like this about jimbei so i made one for nico slobin too.
Most overrated/underhated character in your opinion. This is mine
I'm literally named the servant of god
I thought I downloaded Cipher Pol 9
For some reason, there's a lot of Vtuber react to Meet The Team videos like it's a tradition
Made a meme based on a recent game
Pre TS Lanji not having enough strength to pull his sleeve all the way down and having to keep it held down is hilarious. On the other hand Zoro is tryna act nonchalant, hand in his pocket. Another dub for the huffpuffman.
FACTS: Himbei did nothing but move boxes for 2 arcs straight because he didn't want to demean Zolo
This is What Some DBD fans think will happen now that Kaneki is in the game.
Chat did I cook? First attempt at Bumsopp slander.
I was just sitting here minding my own business why you gotta be that way
Years of character development undone in a single line
Going Off Half-Clocked (Eternal Beach City)
Rivals needs this feature badly. Would help us solo queue only ppl