Which version of Fused Zamasu is better?
Favorite Super Saiyan Form?
Most Undeserved Transformations?
How did Base Goku survive those ki blasts from Omega Shenron? Is he related to Base Cabba?
This is peak character design
(hated trope) character who does horrible thing become good without facing consequences for what they did
Post apocalyptic worlds that WEREN’T cause by zombies or zombie adjacent creatures
Do you believe Kushina would able to forgive Obito after everything he’s done?
Would you like to see an new arc in Super or future dragon ball projects that has the same dark tone as the future trunks saga in DBS?
Ending that’s genuinely horrifying and upsetting but passed off as a good ending
It's not the same anymore
This has got to be one of the darkest endings to an arc I’ve ever seen
¿What the hell were Zamasu & Black gonna do against this guy?
The best non canon villains
Why didn't Bulma use her shrinking form against Zamasu? Is she that lazy
DB fans be like: "How could Frieza take over countless planets if there's only 28 with life"? Bitch, he IS the reason why there's only 28 left!
Villains with EXTREMELY petty motives for becoming villains.
Toyo's cover on X got a record number of likes and comments. Example Hype's post got 87K likes and 1K comments. People are eagerly waiting for new stories and it shows
Minato ain't wrong though
Goku Black and present day Zamasu
Why didn't Goku use SSJ3 against Vegeta even though he knew about it? Did his memory get wiped by Neva?
Why does the community refer to Gods of destructions as GoDs rather that simply Gods
Dbs slander
Nah Goku needs to stop training 🙏💀
(OC) Fixing BOG