What is the best TV show you’ve ever watched?
I’m a pro wrestler, AMA
Occupational health
My physical assessment experience
What has been the most grotesque thing you have ever seen in your life?
Eyesight issues
Medical condition needs further investigation
Redditors who've gotten stitches, what's your story?
How long did it take your chain to complete?
What video game do you remember enjoying that hardly anyone ever seems to mention these days?
Company Directors/Business Owners, what hours do you typically work in a week?
What's your all-time favorite video game and why?
I was raised in a family of gangsters in a remote part of Canada. AMA (except for names)
what do you know about Canadian poutine?
What’s the most ‘poor’ thing you’ve done when you were low on money?
Which is the best game in the whole world?
What is the first movie you remember watching in the theater?
What's something from your childhood that no longer exists but lives on in your memories?
What’s the worst possible name for a baby?
What are the wisest words you've ever heard?
Does anyone else have any red flag/ horror stories with their conveyancer?
You have the opportunity to drive the full length of the Trans-Canada Highway. Would you rather go East to West, or West to East?
What is your favourite place in the UK, apart from your hometown or the place where you live now?
What’s one thing a doctor told you that you’ve never forgotten?
What flavor is your favorite tea?