What are you guys doing for Easter?
Please give me recommendations for VA equipment
Where do you go/use to audition for a voice acting role?
Writers needed for my queer, apocalyptic, sci-fi, indie-animated musical!
About Deuteronomy 25:11-12
Is asking God to kill me considered an (assisted?) suicide attempt?
If people think saliva is gross, then why is kissing someone considered not gross?
Is asking God to kill you considered an attempt at (assisted?) suicide?
I believe I can’t be saved. What do I do?
Please help me with my daily fear of Hell
Every damn time like clockwork
As a survivor of overly-similar twin names...
If life supposedly begins when a fetus is in the womb (and at the moment of fertilization, according to some people), then how come babies’ ages only begin once they’re born?
Caine creates a musical adventure based upon the last musical you saw. I'll start.
anybody else find spinel attractive as lesbian or just me?
HOLD IT! you passed the checkpoint buddy now lemme see ur lock screen wallpapers
my pomni cosplay!
happy 5th anniversary to Steven Universe: The Movie :)
Last night I dreamt that Caine was chasing after the circus members with a taser and he called Zooble a bimbo.
Happy 5th Anniversary Steven Universe Movie in advance.
Cover your eyes, screenshot this, and the first character that appears becomes your roommate for the rest of your life.
Ok men and woman we don't discriminate, Smash or pass?
What's your favorite cursed screenshot from the series?