Heat or trash
Heat or Trash 🤣
What the actual…
Chipotle in Bushwick
Fake Zyn or defect?
Zyns in NYC
Simply Impressed!
Zyns In Lower Manhattan
Disto - Gane - NYC
Write a backstory as to why this would be buried so high (sand was replaced with glass so you can see it)
Presidents based on how I would do against them in a fight
Crap - XSM - Zwon- Dzel - Jet
ChatGPT Readings
Acording to Google Joe rogan's Height 5′ 8″ & Mark Zuckerberg's Height 5′ 7″
Hot Sauce in bag
2 Early GG’s to get embarrassed like that
Hoodie In NYC Weather
Books of Books
[TOMT] Cringe Comp UK Rap Song - 2013-2016
Half of Citi Bike stations offline in NYC
Did I break my sewing machine?
Singer Machine Under Thread not catching