A couple of things I wish I knew/understood before visiting Iceland
Live in Iceland
Quais produtos portugueses vocês sentem falta?
Filho dum boi e duma vaca
The goodest boy, John, was having an amazing time at the dog park until he encountered his first thunderstorm.
Como fazer queixa de vários médicos?
Expressing my newfound love for the land of ice and fire
Do you prefer tea or coffee in the morning?
What’s your favorite good eats that isn’t $$$? I’m talking about the nice medium between cheap hotdogs and fancy restaurants. Something like $30 USD per person with no drinks.
Just in case you haven't smiled yet today
Moving to Iceland
Hold! Do you have any apple slices!?
I have lucid dreams and I hate it
What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received?
What's something you don't do that most of the people around your age do?
Seriously, where are you from ?
Qual é a vossa série favorita?
What's something that caused you trauma and you didn't fully acknowledge/recognize it until a long time after said cause of trauma
What’s your comfort show you’ve rewatched a million times?
Que prato português popular ainda não provaram?
What’s your favorite girl name?
If you could move to any country, where would you go?
What wallpaper do you have on your phone, and why did you choose it?