Saying Goodbye After 6 Years 🩶
I applied for over 2000+ jobs in the past 6 months and I can’t get hired. 31 year old male.
Customers are so brain dead.
Switching from early morning to nights?
Manufacturing interview. Wondering about how I should dress?
This is terrible for me to ask, but I need help with my rent.
state of nopixel.
Finally ! Able to play fiveM
Blonde or brunette Alice? Comment at your own risk, anyone can tell you what to do and for which photo
Came up short on rent, old job screwed me.
Anyone have any idea if this is a scam?
Is Lamar somehow underrated?
To the assholes who criticize people for posting that servers are down.
I’ve been playing this game for almost 3 years and over my time playing I’ve spotted some of the funniest but inappropriate/offensive company names
What character is the biggest counter to your main, and why?
what publics do you go to these days to meet people just to talk?
Rivals thinking they owned the entire hero shooter genre... they did not.
If the Quest Pro was $500, would it have dominated the market?
Looking for a good city tell me as much as you can about yours
Not a playstation owner, but they need to go back to free if it takes them this long to fix it.
I’m sorry
We need free online or a compensation after this outage. Hit the upvote if you are with me.
Are yall ready?
Why is it that democrats always protest when republicans go in office?
James randel