Who to grind for next
First army showcase of my dkok army
My first army
Trouble shooting
New and need some help
Is there a way to get warhammer 40k stl files?
Snowprint: Please delete Ragnar from the game with no compensation because of all this whining
Snowprint can you please make the Traitor Guardsmen and Terminators in the Beta track count towards Death Guard kills?!
What’s your wish for a new kill team, new models or otherwise?
How many killteams do you all have?
"Roller" Derby in 40k
When you own more painted kill teams than the number of games you've played
Did the Orks do this math?
My bad luck streak is over
Hoping for death korps of krieg
Will i be able to unlock Kharn?
Yet another “where to go from here”
What supplement has, or has had, an actual positive impact on your life??
Why are pulls so bad?
Random singular req pull
Who to ascend?
Ulf Campaign crash
f2p here. Will I make it?
newish F2P player where do I go from here? progress seems incredibly slow.