why my glorious goat carl is underperforming in the meta
Okayyyy how do you play... Edgar? and when should he be drafted if ever?
Do we expect an Ollie emergency nerf in the next weeks ?
Guys, is it just me or have it gotten easier to get to mythic?
How do you counter Mico?
8bit last pick
Bounty has been added to Ranked
Is barley a good brawler as first pick in triple dribble
Was tick a bad pick?
Restricting power 9/10 brawlers is a nerf to ban/draft capabilities
Gretzky a " free agent " 🤔 🇨🇦🇺🇲
Will Bo be high-tier in ranked after getting his hyper charge?
Most versatile and best HC
Montly finals rewards got nerfed
Are the pro pass variants of the colt skin exclusive?
MrP meta is back.
They missed the Berry nerf.
I just got to Saturnian fame II and got no icon
Just when you think ranked is fixed
They are under/over estimating gadgets
Opinions about the new balance changes?
Finxs could be S or C tier depending on the super possibilities
Hot Take: Buster's Hypercharge is easily the strongest new one
Reached masters for the 7th time on the hardest season yet (ask me for tips!)
Is amber overhyped, or am I really bad?