Patches of burning ground!
triple one ring and 5 nazgul from craigslist bag of mtg cards
The day these fuckers get nerfed will be legendary
Never ridden a motorcycle - Is this silly?
How does one make mono red good in edh
📢DEV UPDATE: posted once, but for context on why they can’t just “buy more servers”. The backend code isn’t as scalable as they thought.
Most hated goblin
Awesome one pack pull
Hot take: the club scene in Atlanta is on a massive decline
Average wait time for support?
I was VERY lucky today
For the lols
Recently got some models that a FLGS was getting rid of, was told they were drukari but i believe their from an older addition and was hoping someone could help me identify them. Are they all just variations on kabalite warriors? Thanks in advance!
My Belial just can in mail and it looks horrible
Okay - but a frigate???
Crazy morning thus far
Is it just me or moms get really pissed when you buy your first bike?
Wife said “don’t like it but I’ll support it” approval. Thoughts on first bike?
Art of War ranks every Space Marine Detachment!
Do any adv owners feel like you give up much to a naked bike in the twisties?
Swimming in this underwater lake
2007 Suzuki Boulevard M50 vs. 2011 Triumph Bonneville T100 for first bike
KTM 390 Adventure as a starting bike
Completed the less powerful Caladius 🤣
Nmm Vexilla