this is why i can’t play ranked.
Rank is impossible right now.
just made plat in ranked but need advice
I refuse to Solo Q to Masters
Dear fellow Rocket League players, if you queue up for casual or competitive duos (2v2)...
It’s been said before: If you’re hard stuck, you’re right where you belong
Crazy endgame 🔥
We've removed the Cristiano Wheels from the Daily Item Shop due to an error with it granting more items than intended. Players who had purchased it while in this state will keep the items granted.
Always looting
New valorant player in 2025
Ranked Cheating - Am I Missing Something?
First ceiling flip reset(no hate pls)
Lfg nae console
What's your win rate? Mine's 5%
Is this good?
Got 6 Heirlooms before I got my 1st Kraber Legendary!
Do we count this?
3000+ hours and still struggling
Smurfing then continues to be toxic
Not new to rl but just trying to get a higher rank yet I seem to struggle with air dribbles . Any tips ?
Why do people find close one toxic?
This sums up where I'm at mentally with this game.
Rocket League really disappointed me today.
Goddamn PS4 updates…