Best cheaper e reader during sales? UK
Can login to PSN on console and phone but not PC. Can't connect to server error but server is not down and my network is OK
cant access bios
from the latest episode, the flashback to when senku was alone at the start of the series, what happened to these guys?
in family guy season 15 episode 8 around the 4:50 - 5min mark there is a Japanese song that's playing, does anyone know it's name?
Spilt water on gpu, on the verge of tears
Is Today Friday the 13th?
Get this post to the moon and I'll give all GTX1060 away among all commenters.
Hey Ayaka are you… ok…?
Weekly Gacha and Drops Megathread (August 29, 2021)
Be safe out there!
Should I free him? smol grub I made ^.^
What food or drink sucks even if most people won’t admit it?
Tech Support and Basic Questions Thread - June 10, 2021
Blursed Texture
What makes someone a good person?
I hate pasta
Rest of the fucking baby
GCSE Mocks
Bipes Biporus, the mexican mole lizard, is so rare that it's almost mythical.
Rock paper scissors to decide who starts
You can see through your eyelids
Without saying the name, what country are you from?