How long have you been unemployed
I think I am going to be put on a Performance Improvement Plan
Surcharges are getting out of control
Why doesn't Singapore allow dual citizenship?
To those who love their job: What do you do & would you do it if money were no object?
Will you put SG flag up in a foreign country?
What if Elon Musk had been born in Singapore? Could he have achieved what he has today?
Will LHY demolish Oxley house to force PAP’s move ahead of GE?
Wtf has happened to Australia?
Raeesah Khan throws Pritam Singh under the bus
Our realtor recommended a house with this bathroom
My father is marrying my maid
I Hate Corporate Agile Hypocrisy
Mr Iswaran was the best MP, now a victim of the SG system.
I couldn't park because a tiny car that could fit into 1/2 of a spot took up 2 full spots.
Chinese property agent appeals to Malay community to give him a chance to serve them🔥
Plover nesting in garden, just a quick question...
Toilet at my church
Voice Actor AMA
I use AI for basically everything I do at work
Nurse-led clinics feasible or not in SG?
Why is there a Sardines shortage?
Why are the eggs so expensive now?
Queensland Premier Steven Miles has caught the 50c bus to Fernberg to meet Qld Governor Dr Jeannette Young.
SMRT probably needs to bless their tracks too