TIL that most dinosaurs aren't kosher. Researchers analyzed Jewish rules to find out that a Jewish time traveler would have difficulties finding kosher meat among dinos.
AITAH for refusing to let my best friend "reincarnate" into my unborn baby?
Dúvida sobre quitação de pensão alimentícia
Meu pai faleceu e agora eu e minhas irmãs temos 15 dias para responder a um processo desconhecido!
The Alcohol Incident
AITAH for not telling my best friend the truth about my brother?
AITA because I don’t want to spend time with my half-sister and niece?
Is my husband TAH for making my daughter put her siblings on her school presentation after she intentionally left out her baby siblings in her presentation.
AITAH for supporting my nephew after he taught his golden child brother a lesson he will never forget?
AITA for not being okay with my dad's wife and her family calling me by a nickname or another name other than my first name?
É Legal ser demitido por usar esmalte?
AITA for not being more involved in my mom's new family and not taking on a role as an older brother?
3 days since I left my abusive home, and she STILL has no idea… can’t make this shit up
AITA for telling my daughter to be more feminine because she is not feminine enough?
Munícipio não deixou solicitar um medicamento de alto custo
I may be a king of monsters but I am still more human than your masters
In Another World With My War Factory
Update #2 on “AITA for telling my family that my nephew behaves like a spoiled brat?”
Update: AITAH for kicking my nephew and considering legal
Teaching At The Gunrange
[UPDATE] AITAH for not wanting to sign something from my wife's employer without speaking to a lawyer?
I have a serious question can they do this to me ?
TIL that Magellan's expedition, which began with approximately 270 crew members aboard five ships, concluded nearly three years later with only 18 survivors returning on a single vessel.
Just started last Friday and I already saved the Gerudo. I am currently saving the Zora. Any tips?
AITA for telling my dad's new wife I don't want to be her daughter?