How many shiny do you guys have?
5845 8159 8615🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Active player will send gifts everyday
Rate my team for Pokémon White
should I purify this, yes or no?
Morpeko mechanics is broken
My favourite Pokémon and favourite shiny 🥶
What’s everyone’s top pokemon look like?
Should I keep these or transfer them?
What’s your best Pokémon from 2024?
Second ever necrozma!!
It took 8 years, but i finally got my first shundo
First ever shundo!
**Updated post about glitchy display
Post the shiny you never knew you needed
Hi, I play in the uk and hoping to find friends who can help me beat a kyogre raid remotely! I also send gifts. My trainer code is 5845 8159 8615. Thank you!
Anyone that can add me for a Kyogre remote raid in the next 10 mins?
Just wanted to share my top 6 favourite shiny list
Controlling mild guitar distortion.
Instagram has now removed ad likes from being seen on public posts???
I expected ad refunds