Which album cover represents you?
Carrying my bass
Whats a Metal song you can listen to on repeat and never get sick of it
Thoughts and Experiences with Fender American Ultra (First Generation)
Name this country
What are some of yours guys metal hot takes
What song makes you feel like this?
Average ranked game
help!! my D string keeps making a weird noise that sounds like mic feedback
Three different bands, three equally amazing albums.
Opinions on Traitors Gate?
bro went too far
Your favorite encouraging or optimistic metal songs
What would you Name this Nation?
Day 1 of Playing the Bass, Never playing Bass Again
Which of these two will be more fun to play?
why does my lower notes sound like a glorified rubber band
What song comes to mind?
Random world generation that looks like a whale?
What’s your favorite album of 2019?
Can we all agree this is the best Maiden 3 album run?
Favorite songs with fakeout endings (i.e. you’re supposed to think the song is over but it comes roaring back for a few more seconds)?
How can I stop the lever from powering the red stone underneath?
I hate this game
A million upv0tes and I take my sock off