Why is the 120s not talked about more?
Why is this worthless excuse of a chaffe knock off at a higher BR for being worse in LITERALLY every single way humanly imaginable?? like ffs atleast make it the same BR as the chaffe and not 0.6 HIGHER
Is this a thing now?
Those that have tried it in the dev server, how good is the M246 at shooting down targets? (Specifically incoming ordnance.)
This piece of shit single-handedly ruined 10.7
Oh no
Hoods off
Just sleeping in the car
My gf and I decided to start an nsfw page but are absolutely clueless 😭 (not ad)
Friendly reminder that the US 90mm should go clean through the Panther UFP at 1km and in game it can't even do it point blank. Also use 76mm APCR should pen 240mm, not 190mm.
Everyone is sleeping on this thing.
So i have a confession to make..it involves these spotlights..
How much gas can a car take after it’s “full”?
What are the downsides to getting an AMD card
What is the name of your ship
Thank You W-1
They tried to rob a man who had weapon to defend himself
I’ve been smoking weed for the last 15 years and now I need to quit. Advice needed.
I can’t decide if I love or hate my breast reduction results.
Experimental infusion
Stratageme Idea, Liberties Might
How would you react?
Are top tier ground battles worth grinding towards? I've seen people complain that top tier sucks. Is the grind worth it? ( Image slightly related )
Dive, complete and get the F*** out of there