Recreated the Lego Facehugger alt build of set 31162 from dicken_tututu
Shihad gig at Spark - review
Good morning Wellington! What’s up with your “homegrown” festival being sponsored by Jim Beam? Kinda funny. But not really.
4 way stop at Cuba and Abel Smith Streets intersection
Hi, I’m travelling through NZ and had a lovely time at the Botanical Gardens. However, I was disappointed that I did not see any crocodiles as indicated. I spent nearly an hour and a half looking. Very misleading and a bit of a waste of time tbh.
New Zealand now have lost 5 times in ICC Tournament finals
I see your Tesla and raise you a BMW
I see you rental campervan and raise you a Tesla
Construction within area that is now Civic Square, 1993 (Wellington City Council Archives, 00557-615-2).
Construction noise
Interest in Moving to Wellington from the US.
Pardon me, but what did Glen Phillips just do?!? NSFW
Shihad – last Wellington show
Does anyone know anything about what appears to be an old plane in the field above the Mirimar prison?
Found out today I have a 10cm tumour in lower intestine
When Luxon is rolled, who should replace him?
Any Americans living over here?
Was my $131 Motorbike parking fine deserved - your thoughts?
Gifts for Boyfriends 21st?
to run through 1000 layers of duct tape
Transporting paint in your car
My toddler took 100 pics of my butt 🫥
CRUSHING IT: Public Service Superstar Collects Enough Manager Signoffs To Actually Start On Some Work
Photo a day timelapse of weight loss and muscle growth
How to kick 24 yr old freeloading sibling and her bf out of house I own with my partner.