Are mudras involved in reiki?
They told me she's a pocket-bully
Who is the strongest character from both Marvel and DC that Conquest could defeat?
Which creative challenge would you rather attempt for a reward or Punishment
New firefighter here, very small dept, on call. Any tips for small pieces of equipment I should keep on me?
Can any firefighters weigh in on whether the actions of this team on arrival were acceptable?
How were you scammed in D2 when you were younger?
Ares(DC) vs Ares(Marvel) who's stronger, deadliest, wiser? At full power who wins and why?
If You Had To Give This A Name-What Would You Call This?
You have the power to remove one song from existence and nobody will remember it. What song do you choose?
Look what my dad found in the bacement!
You can pick a single line from a comedy film that you think everyone will be able to identify it from. What line do you choose?
What’s a good euphemism for saying someone is stupid?
How nice/clean or old and F'd up is your fire house?
Any Value (repost due to pic not uploading)?
We gotta get a whole lot done! Which position WYR play?
The richest man in the world, cutting off money to the poorest in USA because they’re entitled. So much for American First.
I Can't Stop Watching Fox News!!.. God Help Me...
About to start D2, any tips?
What’s the weakest superpower that if used right could achieve world domination?
New Ladder and im ready to quit...
WYR be attractive and feel ugly, or be ugly and feel attractive?
How many females are in your department?
Which type of first responders WYR have?