Western highway got nuked
Former H, now a G
bring back the old logo
i need help finding a securly exploit for a school managed chromebook!!!
i need help finding a securly exploit
i love G now
i need help!!!
New mix
I am leaving the H's because..
Fellow H here converting to a G!! please tell me the big dos and donts of this sub!
how many Ks can you type while holding your breath?
This bruise on my knee formed the letter “A”
Saw this way too many times on my frontpage so I had to grab both. Orange Cream was $6 and the Canada Dry was $5.
pringle ☹️
More H bots
Loss Redditors
Meet Henri, Shonk Henri
Fuck that frog
Despite seeing multiple docs, my eye watered excessively for 7 years until I took this picture
I clicked water and I got FUCKING GINGER ALE. Eh you know what I can live with that 👍
Well that's interesting
i need somebody to build me this house!!! 30k money reward! (message me for more details)