Next best merch option now that ZOFGK is over
Tasting chemicals
Is Valentines Day Good For Bond Farming?
what are these parts of the runes called
T1 is now officially(?) a 6 man roster
Are any hobby-ish clubs still open?
Next Collaboration Confirme: Fate Stay Night HEAVEN'S FEEL
When is the next lotto?
Time to save up for pity ig
[Help and Question Thread] - December 29, 2024
Coming back from a break
You wake up and suddenly have the command spell on your hand what do you do now?
Synergy with new Viktor
How good is she?
[Tales From the Terran Republic] Bits and Bugs
Had an ingrown toenail. Didn't but me too much, so didn't rush to the doctor. Huge mistake.
9 Frost 6 Chronos - probably used up all my luck for the remainder of the set. What was your most disgusting high roll?
I'm fucking hungry
Cancer rat here (Gotta have some humour!) Sally's help and my own update
DM said: I can only play stinky, stupid, boring, normal humans and not my half elf, half dragon, edge lord, goblin, aasimar, wizard, barbarian.
Favorite Trait? Least Favorite Trait?
In your opinion, what is the worst smell in lab?
Courseload concerns
Lets goooo 3 multis and 1 ticket.
I’m ready for summer event