[SPOILERS] Win or Lose Episode 7
Parents are taking their kids to see a Deadpool movie? Are they stupid?
Why can I Crack my knuckles one handedly endlessly?
Why can I Crack my knuckles one handedly endlessly
When you realize not everyone can “see” images in their head but only visualize the word/concept
Can Magneto move Thor’s hammer?
Why is there 8th grade at Abbott?
Who is your craziest "hear me out"?
First time using blender :> It's not finished but I'm really excited abt learning
"Abduction" - Behind the Scenes
(Updated with more density) I'd love to hear your opinions on my latest attempt at a tree.
My home wifi isn't working on my school computer?
Everyone (But mainly ASD): do you feel stuck in your head?
Autistic people: Do you feel empathy?
Random autism advice go!
What song are you listening to on repeat?
Why is zero divided by zero undefined and not zero
What are some textures/sounds you hate as a fellow autistic?
Why do you stay on spotify and not another platform?
Has anyone notice Chai's bots have been making less sense?
What’s a trolls character that everyone loves but you hate?
Comment your favourite animal but replace the 2nd, 4th, 7th and last letter of each word with H.
What‘s your opinion on the Autism Creature?
What do you think happened after Deadpool shot Origins Deadpool?