I'm tired of solo tanking
Of to the gulag buddy
Any silver linings to this?
Skin well done
Abaddon is going to need a primarch or 3 if he wants the next black crusade to last mote the 5 seconds
Cannot redeem codex code
AIO? My son wants to attend a religious meal/ceremony at his friends house and I said no.
AIO for leaving my bf because he body shamed me
Some times I lowkey feel like shit for being a boy
When traitorous filth hits you with that dollar-store stealth
This is an old school bong... My uncle shot this pic in China during WWII.
Conservatives right now
Female-Only Gym Owner Faces Backlash for Excluding Trans Women: What's you're opinion on this?
Marvel Writers: "Namor is not in the story? He's dead? Okay, Ben, it's your turn!" (I know these are alternate universes, but still, why?)
Private Alexander Ivanovich Shirobokov, after the liberation of his town of Karachev, met his cousin and aunt who had escaped death during the occupation. The rest of the family were shot by the Nazis. August 1943. Photo by Arkady Shaikhet.
Any good leftist YouTube gaming channels?
Meanwhile, in the DLC's code...
Need help painting my dragon lord
Decolonize Mental Health
3 day boycott
Leftist Iranian students, fully-funded by the Pahlavi regime to study abroad, protesting the Pahlavi regime. USA, 1970s.
I know this has been posted a lot but what do you think these guys role will be in world eaters! (I’m pretty sure there be in our codex) I personally think there be a fast attack or possibly an infiltration type unit?
Did I strike gold with finding two Grav Tanks at a discount?
Are the Lenin Boys something like the Backstreet Boys?