Bear tanked 12 arrows and a flare shot!
Did they remove all the introduction cutscenes and calls now enhanced is on PC?
What was the best thing you found in an AKTENSCHRANK?
Finished Front gate
How replayable is the game?
Should i Buy the long dark?
Looking for mod pack suggestions
Need 3 for Criminal Master Mind (PC) (GMT)
My first cultist arena
Largest titanium vein ive found
Just ended an 8 year friendship with my best friend.
Houses close to riften
Having dreams of scary spiders
what are your guys horses named?
Some explanation of what's happening with the wildlife refresh specifically Timberwolves...
Fudge, 19yo
In your world how could I get rich the fastest.
Hopefully not too late?
If you find a broom today....
Where was the last location for you to complete Faithful Cartographer?
Dark Map of Mystery Lake
Trapped in Ice Shack by a Bear Carcass
First time getting end gear loot without stealing it off of someone