When your friends and family ask you why you still talk about the Marine Corps every day, even 20 years after being out.
Finally tried Blackberry!
Winter Carry
Bought the game on Switch
First attachment is on
That concludes The Bad Batch! :) I really enjoyed painting them for my Republic Army. Thank you for your nice comments along the way! Insta: chris.schmieg.miniatures
(Not in any particular order) Every instance that I know of/could find of Clone HUDs being shown(Not counting the times they're using Macrobinoculars)
Asvab scores
Best way to mount hydration bladder inside ILBE?
Worst Chow Pics?
What do I win?
Having fun posing this guy after a lite weathering.
Arc Troopers, ready for duty!
I finished drawing all of delta squad
MOS, Asvab scores, USMC
I made people mad by testing a Grip Pod
What do people think about these kind of optic wraps?
Old No. 7 on Spotify
What’s the fastest you’ve seen someone get promoted?
Today Marks the 10 year anniversary of this masterpiece
Omega squad, ready to hit the battlefield
Fellow wrong handed folks, where you at?
"USMC" I love the look of the modern day USMC. The mix of high cuts and low cuts, the M27s, it just looks so cool.