Made a 12 year old fall in love with me.
Update updates?
Where is the motherfucking update supposed to be at 7 o’clock it was supposed to be today. We’re supposed to be in nine hours. Well guess what it’s 1137 where I am and there’s no fucking update.
A Train deleted scene from season 2
What do y’all think about these type of dreads ?
I found some possible evidence from old SEC filings that point to Universal's Hulk distribution agreement ending in June 2023
What are your thoughts on this?
Should I become Christian?
What you'd think on Ep 1 on Swordsmith Village? Swordsmith village episode 1 spoilers!!!
[S09E04] "The Mask of the Red Death, Part One" Live Episode Discussion
We did hashira, now what anime character would make a good moon.. and where would they rank? (They don’t have to be a demon but you know)
I paid for the full job pack wtf
Which actor do you think will play Dr Doom and who would your perfect choice be?
I fInAlLy gOt a gIrL FrIeNd
How do I die while keeping the badge I would’ve gotten anyway?
I like that they updated the look for the amount of money you have. So instead of it saying $2,000,000,000 it just says 2 Billion.
The Flash: No Way Home
Why am I loosing so much money?? I have a house that’s fully paid
Excuse me ? I paid to marry you so your mine now , tf i want a refund
Didn’t know when I’m dying , the shares of my company go with the testament for my child
we should be able to get loans from the bank.
Did I do good?
Business update not here for me :(