Confession time: with almost 3,000 hours played, I have never, ever, decorated any of my sheds. Let me have it.
What's your favorite or go-to Farm Map? Mine's Riverland Farm! Here are some of my farm layouts!
Which layout?
Sam. It's our wedding night. I'm giving you all the signs. COME TO BED.
What's the most bizarre outfit you got from Emily's desert festival booth?
i literally just started playing like a few days ago… The cookbook is on its way… i believe this is what the kiddos call “a problem”
Is it bad to mine more than farm?
What are those black apparitions that move so fast?
First time playing Stardew Valley
Do we like the white curtains more?
lol what’s this
Made my game less cozy by accidentally wedging my van beneath a staircase.
The most cursed keyboard
What to put in this space?
Just started Mandarin🥰
had a weird thing happen in my bedroom
What could this be? I noticed it in my photo after camping
Which rug would you choose, 1 or 2?
My nephew took this screen grab off a video he recorded in his house.
If you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you'll be swept off to
Which is better?
Making a strip club