MD is more fun when you stop making excuses for the characters' actions and just enjoy their insanity.
What do you think Maid J did when she had time off working in the manor?
A second, deeper glimpse into my dark and twisted mind
Why do people shipping J with tessa?
Maid Vat was something I didn't know I wanted but needed
Tessa AU where she transfered her consciousness into a custom made Drone body
What are your overall thoughts on Oilrose? Good or bad ship?
Callback Ping
What's one peeve you have with a good skin? I'll start:
Why do people headcannon Tessa's eyes to be green?
What do you think Uzi and V’s relationship is like in the show?
Dancing in the night.
whatsapp guys, i made some nuvi for all of you to enjoy, i hope you like it ❤️
Thank you, Fujimoto.
V Does the BEEEEEEG STRETCH (now as comedic sketches)
J might be in love with herself if I'm right
What if “Tessa” was legit: problem children
What character is this?
I feel like N would be the worst wingman becuaseall the girls would go to him instead
Human VxNxJ... but manor? ENJOY!