Found this ridiculousness in the specials of a restaurant near me
Show me the best screenshot you have took in a game
What's a classic movie that everyone should watch at least once?
Do you wear underwear under your swimming trunks?
What's a movie that's based on a true story that prior to watching you knew little to nothing about?
Which movie has the most twisted ending?
Uh… what.
what is your opinion on Don't Look Up (2021)?
Before watching the superfan episodes, I always assumed Jim used a website to bypass the paywall of the article.
Do you have an all you can eat sushi place?
What non horror movie scared the crap out of you as a kid
This is true
Look at this beauty
Girl dinnerrrrrrrrrrr
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Are you a true hero?
What movies fit this list?
Lemme get uhhhhhhh…
What’s a team you have no connection to but tend to root for anyway?
Just smashed 6 tacos, a chalupa, large drink, chips and cheese and 5 Layer burrito.
Now I'll for sure buy it...
The Underground Rebel Bingo Club - New York City
Shohei Ohtani
I would rather be called a slur